Category Archives: Toppan CP500
Calibrate Sensors – GET Group CP500
You must enter Service Mode in order to run the calibration: To enter Service Mode, hold down the Menu button while rapidly pressing the up and down arrows, starting with up and alternating between them. When you start holding down … Continue reading
Test Print – Toppan CP500
Go to your printers and faxes folder. Right click on the Toppan CP 500 and choose printing preferences. Click on the maintenance tab. Click on Test Data Printing
CP500 Trade-in Promo!
TransTech is excited to announce an introductory promotion for the 600dpi CP500 retransfer card printer. Trade in any competing model for a new ultra-high quality CP500 and receive a $250 rebate! More Details can be found here: CP500 Trade In … Continue reading
First Look – Toppan CP 500 Driver
Get Group – Toppan CP500
TransTech Systems has evaluated the CP500 over the last few months. The 600dpi print quality is outstanding! The GET Group demonstrated the CP500 at our LA and Dallas Road shows. You can see it in action at the TransTech Booth 6050 … Continue reading