Tag Archives: Wrong Ribbon
Wrong Ribbon Error – Fargo DTC550
Ensure that your ribbon is set correctly in the driver if your DTC550 is displaying a “Wrong Ribbon Installed” Error Go to your printers and faxes folder, right click on the Fargo DTC550, and choose printing preferences. Click on the … Continue reading
Posted in BadgePros, DTC550, HID Fargo, Won't Print
Tagged DTC550, DTC550-LC, Fargo, HID Fargo, Info, Ribbon Error, Ribbon Errors, Wrong Ribbon, Wrong ribbon error, Wrong Ribbon Installed
Why do the colors on the card come out Black/Pink?
Strange color patterns can happen when the driver is not correctly set for the print ribbon installed in an Evolis printer. This problem can often be resolved by changing or reapplying the driver settings to reflect the ribbon installed in … Continue reading